Winston County AL Probate

Frequently Asked Questions

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Anniston Water and Sewer Service
    1.  How do I establish water and sewer service?
    2.  Do I have to make a deposit?
    3.  How much will my bill be each month?
    4.  When will I get my first bill?
    5.  I haven't received a bill what should I do?
    6.  Do you charge late fees?
    7.  Do I have to come to the office to pay my bill?
    8.  If I don 't pay my bill what will happen?
    1.  What is fluoride and what is water fluoridation?
    1.  Is the Anniston Water Works drinking water safe for my pets ?
    2.  Tell me about fire hydrants.
    3.  When is the best time to water my lawn ?
    4.  Can I use tap water in my iron ?
    5.  Is tap water safe for my flowers and plants ?
Service Line Warranties of America
    1.  Do I need a water or sewer line warranty?
    2.  Who is Service Line Warranties of America and why are they sending me letters?
    3.  Will my water or sewer line actually break?
Anniston Water and Sewer Service
    Q.  How do I establish water and sewer service?
    A.  A new application for service must be made by you upon any change in tenancy or change in premises.  Should a new application not be made within forty-eight (48) hours of any change in tenancy or premises, water service to the residence may be discontinued and you may also be liable for all water and sewer charges that have accrued since the last regular meter reading prior to the time of your application.

    Q.  Do I have to make a deposit?

No deposit is required.  However, you are required to pay a $55 connection fee for service at the time of application.  This fee is non-refundable.

    Q.  How much will my bill be each month?
    A.  The amount of your monthly bill for water and sewer service is determined by the meter reading taken by us each month and the size of your meter. 

The minimum monthly charge for residential water is $15.90 plus state utility tax in the amount of 4%.  This monthly minimum includes 300 cubic feet of water.  (One cubic foot equals 7.48 gallons.) 

The minimum monthly static charge for sewer service is $15.90.

    Q.  When will I get my first bill?
    A.  Your first bill will be due on our regular billing cycles.  It can be as soon as one week or as long as one month, depending upon when you move in and when we are billing that cycle.  A Customer Service Technician can tell you the billing cycle at the time of application.

    Q.  I haven't received a bill what should I do?
    A.  All water and sewer bills are billed monthly. To determine the cycle you are billed in and the dates your bill will be due phone our Customer Service Office at 256-241-2000 and give our representive your service address. They can then determine in which billing cycle your account is located and give you the billing dates. If you have not received your bill by this date, please call Customer Service.  

    Q.  Do you charge late fees?

Your bill is due upon receipt.  If your bill is not paid 20 days from the billing date a late fee of 15% will be applied to your account.  There is a minimum late fee of $2.75.

    Q.  Do I have to come to the office to pay my bill?

No, there are now several ways you may pay your water bill. 

Payments can be made at the Main Office between 7:30 AM and 4:30 PM, Monday-Friday. For customer convenience, we also have a night deposit drop box located at the main entrance to our office.  A drive through payment tube system is also available during normal business hours.

Payments may also be mailed in using the return envelope that accompanies your monthly water bill.

Bank Draft is available from Anniston Water Works by filling out an application at the Main Office, 1429 Noble Street.   There is no charge for this service.

Our new online payment link is now active and can be found at

    Q.  If I don 't pay my bill what will happen?

Any bill with a previous balance must be paid by the "pay by date" listed on the bill.  Any account that still has a past due balance after the pay by date can be disconnected at any time.  If the service is disconnected, the entire bill and a $90.00 reconnect fee must be paid to restore service.

    Q.  What is fluoride and what is water fluoridation?

Fluoridation Facts  contains answers to frequently asked questions regarding community water fluoridation.  A number of these questions are based on myths and misconceptions advanced by a small faction opposed to water fluoridation.  The answers to the questions that appear in Fluoridation Facts are based on generally accepted, peer-reviewed, scientific evidence.  They are offered to assist policy makers and the general public in making informed decisions.  The answers supported by thousand of credible scientific articles, including the more than 350 references within the document.  It is hoped that decision-makers will make sound choices based on this body of generally accepted, peer-reviewed science.

    Q.  Is the Anniston Water Works drinking water safe for my pets ?

Yes, that great tasting, safe, healthy Anniston Water Works drinking water is safe for dogs, cats, birds, and many other pets. Water for fish, however, requires special attention before you can add fish to your aquarium or fish bowl. (see "fish" below.)

Pets need fresh, clean water daily, so you should change your pet's water each day. When pets accidentally spill food in the water dish, the water begins to look and taste foul. In addition, bacteria can begin to grow, potentially creating health problems for pets.

FISH: Fish require clean, non-chlorinated water. The water available from your tap has chlorine. You can remove the chlorine by bubbling air through the water for at least one day OR adding a special chemical to neutralize the chlorine. The neutralizer is available at a pet supply store.

Water in the tank or bowl may become polluted if you do not have a filter. Fish need fresh water regularly. We recommend that you change about 1/3 of the water each month. When changing the water or introducing new fish to your aquarium or fishbowl, you must let the fish become acclimated to the water temperature and chemistry.

To learn more about the special needs of different fish species, contact your pet store personnel.

    Q.  Tell me about fire hydrants.

Hydrants are strategically located throughout the city based on fire protection needs. The placing or location of the hydrants is determined by the size of the water main and density of development. The hydrants are color coded according to the amount of flow they deliver.

To help firefighters better serve the community, please remember a few fire hydrant safety rules:

  • Never park in front of a hydrant
  • Call us promptly to report a damage hydrant or anyone tampering with a hydrant
  • Never plant trees or shrubs that may interfere with the use of the hydrant. Remember that in the event of a fire quick access is important in protecting your property.

    Q.  When is the best time to water my lawn ?
    A.  Early in the morning. This is generally the coolest and least windy time of day. You will have less water evaporation, which is better for your grass. You want the soil to be well watered but allow the grass to dry out so that lawn damaging molds do not develop. Watering in the morning allows the grass to dry out during the day and yet obtain needed moisture from the soil. Watering in the evenings or during the night may create conditions favorable for growing molds that attack and damage your lawn. Please use caution when applying fertilizer and pesticides to the lawn using a garden hose applicator. Using backflow prevention methods such as an air gap between the hose and container will prevent back siphoning of contaminated water into your home plumbing when you turn off the water. Make sure the applicator is disconnected from the hose when not in use to prevent chemicals from backflowing into the water.

    Q.  Can I use tap water in my iron ?
    A.  Anniston Water Works water is fine for irons if you remember to empty the iron after each use. Irons are small electric water heaters. Over time, scale can develop with improper use of tap water. Emptying the iron after each use will prevent minerals from building up inside the iron. Water left in the iron evaporates and the minerals stay behind, blocking the steam holes. Periodically, use distilled water to flush your iron.

    Q.  Is tap water safe for my flowers and plants ?
    A.  Yes, Anniston Water Works drinking water is safe for your flowers and plants. Flowers and plants play a special role in our lives - looking pretty, smelling wonderful, and brightening your day. All flowers and plants require different care. Please talk with your florist to learn about the watering needs of your particular flowers and plants. After repeated cycles of watering, salts and minerals may begin to accumulate. If your florist agrees, we recommend that you annually flush the soil of these accumulated salts and minerals. Setting your flowers and plants out in a warm, gentle, soaking rain works well and washes off dust from the leaves.

Service Line Warranties of America
    Q.  Do I need a water or sewer line warranty?
    A.  It's not uncommon to have homeowners tell us they don't need a water or sewer line warranty because their lines haven't broken and will never break.  (Click here for more info.)  

    Q.  Who is Service Line Warranties of America and why are they sending me letters?
    A.  Service Line Warranties of America SLWA) is a Better Business Bureau Accredited Business with an A+ rating.  (Click here for more info.)  

    Q.  Will my water or sewer line actually break?
    A.  Yes -- they can!  (Click here for more info.)